A really simple and easy to follow recipe for Homemade Marshmallows! Make then in any flavour or colour, you can even use cookie cutters to cut out different shapes! These are amazing in hot chocolates too as they slowly melt into the mixture.

[fancy_header]You will need (makes 1 square marshmallow pans worth):[/fancy_header]

Start by making your gelatin mixture by pouring the gelatin powder into 100ml of water and stirring until well mixed. Leave to set into a thick gel consistency for approx 10-15 minutes.

Pour the 450g caster sugar and 175ml of water into a saucepan and bring to the boil over a hob. You want to make a sugar syrup and bring it to 113oC, you will need a Thermometer to do this as it’s important the syrup reaches this temperature or your Marshmallows won’t set properly.

When your sugar syrup is near temperature, spoon the gelatin mixture into a stand mixer and mix on a slow setting. Pour the sugar syrup into the stand mixer (while its still mixing on slow) and turn the speed up to medium.

Add your oil based flavouring, I used Strawberry this time but I’ve tried caramel which was amazing too! Now mix for 15-20 minutes until your Marshmallow mixture is thick, cool and starting to set.

Before you add to your marshmallow pan, you can add a food colour. Oil based pastes are best, I use Sugarflair. Simply add a little to the stand mixer and carry on mixing until the colour in well combined. You can also stop mixing when the colour is only half mixed in for a ripple effect!

Line a Marshmallow pan with a greaseproof square, then spray with cake release spray. Mix together the Icing Sugar & Cornflour in a bowl and sprinkle a little over the pan and up the sides (marshmallows can be super sticky).

Pour your Marshmallow Mixture into the pan and smooth over with a spatula. Sprinkle with more of the icing sugar / cornflour mixture then cover with a layer of clingfilm. Leave to set for three hours minimum in a cool dry place (not the fridge though). If you can wait overnight the leave them to set then they will be much easier to turn out of the pan and cut through.

Once set, sprinkle a flat surface with more of the Icing Sugar and Cornflour Mixture then turn the marshmallows out of the pan face down. Peel away the greaseproof sheet and slice through with a large Marshmallow Cutter.

The freshly cut sides will still be sticky, so now simply dip them into your icing sugar / cornflour mixture or into sprinkles! You can also use cookie cutters to make unusual shaped marshmallows, just make sure you dip the cutters into cornflour first.

The marshmallows are good for up to 2 weeks! I’d love to see how you get creative with the recipe and make your own flavour and colour combinations!

Jem x


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